Comfort in the Uncomfortable

Comfortability. In some way, shape, or form, everyone craves comfort. There's one saying that comes to my mind when I think about comfortability, "the only constant in life is change." The world changes, customs evolve, and people are forced to grow. Change is inevitable and leads to moments (or very long periods) where comfort is stripped from us.

Ultimately, there are two paths that accompany change: growth and resistance. When we choose to walk a path of resistance, we are truly missing out on so many opportunities. When we choose to walk this path, we might hurt ourselves and those around us by fighting the unknown and grasping at anything remotely comfortable. But when we choose to walk a path of growth, there is beauty, healing, and empowerment.

You see, Jesus did not call us to be comfortable. We were put on this earth for the very purpose of learning how to be comfortable in the uncomfortable. To learn how to make peace with an ever changing world. We are here to challenge ourselves, to push our limits, and to face the hard truths. If we continue to walk the same, familiar, narrow path, how can we grow? If we don't push past our comfortable routines, how can we experience fulfillment?

Let's teleport back to when we were children. Maybe there was a sport you really wanted to play. You practiced and worked so hard to prepare. However, when it came time to play the game, you got scared and decided to sit out. Remember sitting on the sidelines, watching everyone else, and simply feeling sad? But imagine now a time when you were scared to play and did it anyway. You helped your team, gave your all, and felt so proud of yourself. There is honestly no better feeling than feeling empowered and capable.

By forcing ourselves to face fears and be uncomfortable, we are showing ourselves that we care, that we are confident, and that we believe we are capable. We prove to ourselves that we can achieve more and accomplish our goals.

What areas of our lives are we growing comfortable in? What parts of ourselves should be challenged? How can we push our personal limits?

These are questions we deserve to ask ourselves. We are not here to become complacent. We are here to fully embrace the growth that comes from being uncomfortable.


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